
Red Rebellion - Historical Fantasy Romance Game

Created by Aikasa Collective - Red Rebellion

A sapphic yuri fairy tale mashup as Robin Hood teams up with Red Riding Hood to save their village in this historical fantasy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Cheers! You all did it!!! *rose petals for all*
12 months ago – Fri, May 26, 2023 at 03:26:28 AM

Gramercy! - Chibi Red holding her hands together looking cute!

This cutie gift is from our lead artist Nalcyon! ^_^ We blasted past the stretch goals at $14950 with over 400 backers! Thank you for showing us how much faith you have in our team and project! We hope Red Rebellion becomes one of your favorites someday.

Some comments from the team:

"Thank you to everyone for their support, and we can't wait to bring Red Rebellion to life!" - Reina

"We're blown away by the love and support this has gotten, and now more than ever, we want to make the best game we can possibly make!!" - Candace

"There are more than thank you to you all... For showing your interest and even backing. Congratulations you are now in!" - Nalcyon

"WHOOHOOO!!! WE MADE IT!!  The KS campaign may be done but there are more updates to come. For those of you waiting for more music, I'll be sharing some news soon.  Thank you! Love you all!!!   Much Love, <3" - Glim ^oo^v

"For an editor, I'm pretty bad with words when asked to present my own, haha. At the moment I don't know much more about RR than the audience does, so I'm just as excited to see how the girls' story plays out. Anyway, cheers!!" - Geck

"O_O  *shocked speechless all day*" - Roxie

We forgot to share with you one last surprise. If you pledged to our Kickstarter at any tier, and sign up for our newsletter, you will receive an exclusive Red Rebellion wallpaper! It will be sent out to you via email whenever Nalcyon properly finishes the CG ^_^ It's a rather big one so it's been a challenge. It is a different image from the $5 KS exclusive wallpaper. What makes these 1920 x 1080 sized wallpapers "exclusive" is their BG colors and expression variations combination will not be available elsewhere.

You can sign up here for our sporadic bimonthly updates: Mailchimp Sign-Up

Be sure to let me know if your KS email and your newsletter email are different, so I can make a note.

We also have about 14 backers that seem to have issues with their credit cards according to KS. Be sure to get that addressed within the week if possible, so there are no delays to your perks! If you are having problems, let us know so we can discuss a plan. Our next step is to get the Backerkit set up, so we know how many Mizuchi keys to request from Steam and Itchio.

See you really soon!

- Team Aikasa Collective

First Stretch Goal and Community Goal Reached!!! Special Add-On Added!
12 months ago – Wed, May 24, 2023 at 03:56:05 AM

You did it!!!

350+ backers and $12K+ funding = Extra artwork stretch goal, we shall have it all! ٩(ˊᗜˋ *)و

Rose marking on the first stretch goal of $12K for extra art and CG. Music at $13K and Extra Love Scene at $14K

We are also again less than $400 from reaching our 2nd Stretch Goal!! *_* 

Glim would love to share these concept ideas of one of our songs he's been mulling over:

Which will make the final?! I have no idea but it looks like it's gonna sound pretty magical!

Stretch Goal #3 - Extra Love Scene

Yes, I heard from quite a number of you that the extra love scene is really tempting! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) The $1000 and if anything beyond will be used to not only add a new scene and extra art, any leftover money will allow us to polish the other love scenes evenly too. Maybe we'll get extra images or variations...? We shall see how far we move toward that stretch goal.

Let's see if the community goal helps us move ever closer to that final goal!

Lock is now unlocked!
Sexy Patch and Sexy Sketches Booklet Add-On is a go!

 With the last help from Dahlia, we hit our final goal of 3 Reddit posts! The Sexy Patch with CG images will be available at the game launch, and the Sexy Sketches Digital Booklet is now available as an add-on. Reminder again it's a KS-only special and will not be available on Backerkit or anywhere else. You all made this happen, so you have special access should you wish for it (: 

We have less than 27 hours left! It'll be a close but exciting finish!

- Roxie (≧◡≦)

Over 80% towards our Art Stretch Goal! Community goal now within reach!
12 months ago – Tue, May 23, 2023 at 04:10:28 AM

Twitter retweets have been reached! Bravo!!

The key is set, we just need one more Reddit post, thanks to the help from Zelene for #2! We are also only $400 away from our FIRST STRETCH GOAL!

Also one of the $100 Tier - Make One's Mark! has been re-released. If you wanted that digital character sketch, one lucky last individual may snatch it up now!

232 Twitter Retweeted, 33 Tumblr reblogs, and over 300 KS backers. Just need the 3rd reddit post.
Just one more reddit post!

Here is a pretty obvious clue about who one half of a pairing you'll find in the sketch booklet is...

She is SUCH a flirt!

I'm the type of writer who writes with pure intentions... then later realizes how others may actually interpret it >_<;;; I'll just leave it be.

Carry on!

- Roxie

Past the halfway mark of the first stretch goal! Almost there at community goal too!
12 months ago – Mon, May 22, 2023 at 04:19:51 AM

Community Goal Progress

Gramercy to the new backers as we now reached over 300! You all are doing amazing on these community goals as we only need one more Twitter Retweet!

2 Days left!

The last big step is 2 more Reddit posts ^_^ thank you OmegaScales for the 1st one!! If you use Reddit and would to volunteer to make a post in your appropriate visited subreddit, but you don't know what to do, feel free to message us and we can brainstorm!

33 Tumblr reblogs and 300 KS backers has been reached. Need 232 twitter RTs and 3 reddit posts.
Just one Retweet and 2 Reddit Posts away from unlocking!

Stretch Goal Breakdown

$12000 USD for Extra CG & Art

The highest priority for this stretch goal is extra CGs! We'd love to add more romantic fully illustrated CG images. Especially the ones for the other couples, as well as capturing beautiful scenes in the story. Medieval movies and tv series tend to be gritty, but there are always times when life is vibrant! We hope to show a less grim version of this period, as well as make you laugh and maybe cry! We'd also love to add more backgrounds to the story to better establish the setting. For example, I want to show you a proper image of the famous Nottingham Castle in this time period as it's a Robin Hood staple. There are only a few line sketches, reconstructed colored renditions, and a diorama model as references. What exists of the castle nowadays is mostly just some walls and a gatehouse, with a built mansion used as an art gallery and museum in its place... 

$13000 - Extra Music

This is the most difficult to reach with the remaining current pace, but any little bit helps in making this game feel as immersive for you when you step into the medieval world. Besides adding more songs and expanding musical instrument software, this stretch goal also covers the time and effort to find, edit, mix, and create SFX. Our audio engineer and soundtrack composer Glim would like to share his thoughts with you: 

Whoo hoo we're funded! I am already grateful for all the love and support that you have all sent our way. <3

Music should be free and I share the sentiment. The tools to create and distribute music to you are not so free though and that's where your support comes into play! 

Here's to hoping to reach our music goal!   v(^oo^)~ 


Just a few more days left! Let's get ready to celebrate!!!

- Roxie

One community goal down, 3 more to go!
about 1 year ago – Thu, May 18, 2023 at 03:29:24 AM

Thanks for spending the time to help share the campaign!

We have already reached our Tumblr goal ^_^ yay! If you'd like to help keep boosting on there, we'd still love that extra bit of help!

Same image as the last community goal one with the 33 Tumblr reblogs marked as complete with a fully colored dark pink rose.
Moving really quick!

 Twitter is almost at 200 now! If you did a Reddit post, be sure to message us!

We have just 6 days left!

Modern Robin Cheering you on - "You can do it!"